My name is Hannah T. Wagner, I was born in Vienna in 1982. I originally wanted to be an artist, but then took a different path and trained as an event organiser and technician. After this, I worked for several years in the art and culture sector, until I set up my own business running an event series called “Swell Time”, which were parties in the style of the 1950s and the 1960s. 

Some years later, it was time for change – drawing and painting never lost their relevance in my life, even if I only pursued it as a hobby. Since I was 15, tattoos have also been very meaningful for me. With the help of my family, I could finally fulfill this long-time dream of mine. 

LGBTQ+ / FLINTA+/ people of all colors / all body-types/ people with psychological struggles / people with disabilities are welcome. 

Sexism, homophobia, racism, ableism, and body shaming will not be tolerated.

Hello, I’m Petra and after thirteen years as a graphic designer and illustrator, I have finally ventured into the realm of tattoo art and found in it a way to express my love for myths, legends and folklore. Inspired by historical art and culture, I try to give my designs a modern twist and bring captivating narratives to life.

In addition to my passion for tattooing, I am also a real geek and big fan of films like “Lord of the Rings” or “Harry Potter”, Manga and Anime, as well as games. I also love travelling and hiking to collect new impressions and incorporate them into my art. Inspiration can be found in every oh-so-small part: a touch of colour, a shadow or even a moment of silence. The best ideas emerge from these inconspicuous moments and small details and bring my designs to life. 

Antonia is taking a baby-break and will contact you as soon as she’s back

I’m Antonia, born and raised in beautiful Carinthia and living in Vienna since 2021. I have always been fascinated by everything that has to do with design and creative crafts. I like to explore different media and love to decorate things with my art. It was obvious that I would like to pursue a career in this direction, but I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do for the longest time.

When my friends gifted me a tattoo machine for my birthday, I started to look more intensively into tattoos and tattooing and completed the qualification course at Wifi. I am very grateful to have chosen this path for myself.

I like creating illustrative fineline tattoos because I like the delicate style and the details that are made possible with fine needles. I also feel very comfortable with combining fine lines with black areas, soft shadows or dotwork. In the process I am always discovering new facets of myself and my art, which evolves fluidly.

My designs are inspired by nature, human relationships, the connection to oneself, or are simply pretty – without claiming to be meaningful.

For me it’s a very special thing to be able to immortalize my drawings onto somebody and thus giving a small part of myself.